Proposed Changes to Existing Shoreline Protection Ordinance

Community input has been incorporated into changes in the existing Shoreline Protection Ordinance. Additional public feedback will be considered at the Oct. 21 Advisory Plan Commission at 7 p.m. CT in Town Hall. The latest version can be found here:

What’s next in the process:

  • Sept. 30: APC has requested any public comments be sent by the end of the day (Complete)
  • Oct. 7: APC will host a public workshop on Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. CT at Town Hall to discuss the feedback received and consider updates to the existing draft ordinance (Complete)
  • Oct. 14: APC to publish/distribute the updated draft ordinance to the pubic (Complete)
  • Oct. 21: Date of the next regularly scheduled APC meeting to hear any additional feedback based on the updated draft; APC has the ability during this meeting to make further edits, send to the Town Council with a favorable/unfavorable recommendation or continue to a future APC meeting for additional discussion.

Public Comments and Inventory of Stairs:

Submit your comments and suggested edits via email, or deliver a hard copy of your comments to Town Hall, Attn: Advisory Plan Commission.